Maple Grove Rugby Park

Our History
Maple Grove Rugby Park was established in 1985 as the home of the majority of the Winnipeg‐based rugby clubs, and has evolved into a multi‐sport facility which has hosted numerous school, club, provincial, national and international events for rugby, flag football, lacrosse, ultimate and volleyball. Without the leadership of the Founders Committee (which first met in 1982) and the support of the community, Maple Grove Rugby Park would not be one of Manitoba’s premier multi‐sport facilities. The Maple Grove Rugby Park Founders Committee was the group responsible for the invention, creation, development and construction of Maple Grove Rugby Park, the premier rugby facility in Western Canada, which was initially opened in 1985. Maple Grove Rugby Park has since its opening been the home of the majority of the Winnipeg based rugby clubs, and has developed as a major multi‐sports facility, as well as a template for many other sports‐developed and managed facilities.
Commencing with the first meeting held November 4, 1982 at the Cambridge restaurant between Gary MacDonald, Don Pincock and Larry Cherrett, where it was decided to form a committee of club representatives and others to plan and implement a field development project, a group of dedicated and creative individuals strived to successfully complete such project. They were primarily the following: Assassins – John Burman, Saracens – Gary MacDonald, St. Vital – Martin Waigh, Wanderers – Peter Heaveysage, Wasps – Doug Schon, Wasps Women – Brenda Treleaven, University of Manitoba Wombats – Larry Cherrett, Manitoba Rugby Union – Geoff Ellwand, Chair – Bob Moffatt, Vice‐Chair – Don Pincock, Accountant/Treasurer – Bill Forbes, Surveys & Plans – Ron Amann, and Fields Design ‐ Rob Tisdale.
The committee met nearly monthly between November 25, 1982 until August, 1984 when the lease was about to be signed and the corporation Maple Grove Rugby Park Inc. was created. During these meetings an internal structure was hammered out, land identified and approved, plans for construction discussed and approved, and fund raising plans discussed and implemented. The committee raised approximately $300,000 and implemented the first sport-developed and managed facility in Winnipeg, all without government funding.